4. Liaison between museums, companies, and the media

• Develop your business through intercultural communication
• Resolve your business conflicts through cross-cultural competence

La dolce vita! – One thinks of Italy, of the sun shining and the intense blue of the sea, one dreams of its amazing cultural heritage, renowned fashion and delicious food.

But if one has to deal with Italian businessmen, museums, and public institutions, the dream can quickly turn into a nightmare.

Not only the language may trouble English or German speaking entrepreneurs. The different working procedures and unfamiliar internal organisation, too, may put your business relation to the test.

If then you even have to deal with the Italian public administration the obstacles can easily outgrow your resources.

But there is a solution in sight!

English or German speaking entrepreneurs and museums can turn to us, if they plan to exhibit their new products or projects at an Italian trade fair.

Do you intend to welcome your Italian partners in England or in Germany? Or were invited to visit them in Italy?

Do you need experienced support to make sure that your Italian partner or supplier will keep a deadline?

Feel free to contact us!

As a museum curator or an exhibition organiser you know all about your subject, but do not want to immerse too deep into the fine-grit responsibilities inside the Italian public administration?

You have agreed with your Italian colleagues about a future exhibition, but there is still an Italian government office between you and success?

We support you with our commitment and our competence!

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